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AWR 326 Tornado Awareness
Course Description:
Tornadoes can strike anywhere in the United States with little or no warning and are capable of causing significant loss of life and billions of dollars in damages. It is important that every community be prepared by understanding tornadoes and the associated dangers. This awareness level course helps participants to better understand the basics of tornado science, the weather forecasting process, and the tornado warning process. Participants will also be better able to implement safety measures for themselves, their families and their organizations in preparation for tornado season. The goal of this course is to provide participants with the basics of tornado science, forecasting, warning, and preparedness. Course Modules include: Science of Tornadoes, Weather Forecast Process, Tornado Warning Process, Tornado Safety
Event Location/Address:
City and County:
 -  Other     (District 0)
Additional Information:
1) This is a virtual offering from NDPTC, follow the registration link below. 2) Two days--four hours each day
Course Dates:
3/3/2025   through   3/4/2025    -   (11:00 AM  to  3:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Stephen  Hughes      ndptc-operations@lists.hawaii.edu      269-466-6431
MGT 439 Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness Program
Course Description:
This course prepares students to effectively, appropriately, and safely plan for and respond to a disaster incident involving children, addressing the specific needs of pediatric patients in the event of a community based-incident. Pediatric specific planning considerations include mass sheltering, pediatric-triage, reunification planning and pediatric decontamination considerations. This is not a hands-on technical course, but instead a management resource course for stakeholders.
Event Location/Address:
Carpenter’s Hall Cater 2 U 2 1215 Court Ave
City and County:
Chariton  -  LUCAS     (District 5)
Additional Information:
1) Park in the front of the building and enter through the front door facing Court Ave. 2) Feel free to bring drinks and snacks. 3) Meals and travel are on your own; adequate time will be provided for lunch. 4) Registration is required; follow the instructions below. Facility questions: Rae King, 641-828-2238 x3839
Course Dates:
3/4/2025   through   3/5/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  5:00 PM)
Registration Information:
If you don't have a TEEX student portal account, follow the instructions in step 1; otherwise, skip to step 2. 1st step - https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/Default.aspx Create an account by clicking "Create Account" on the right side of the page. 2nd step- click the TEEX Online Registration link: https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/Default.aspx?MO=mCourseCatalog&D=FP&C=MGT439&S=561
Course Contact:
Shane  Hughes      Shane.Hughes@teex.tamu.edu      (979) 500-6844
G 557 Rapid Needs Assessment
Course Description:
This course provides the ability of local governments to perform a Rapid Needs Assessment accurately and within the first few hours after an incident or emergency is critical in providing a response designed to save lives. **This course is part of the FEMA Advanced Professional Series (APS)
Event Location/Address:
Grinnell Public Safety Building 1020 Spring St
City and County:
Grinnell  -  POWESHIEK     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Parking lot is on the south side of the building off 5th Ave. Additional parking along Spring St. 2) Enter from the west side main entrance along Spring St. 3) Travel and lunch is on your own.
Course Dates:
3/4/2025   through   3/4/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
G 235 Emergency Planning
Course Description:
This 2-day course offers training in the fundamentals of the emergency planning process, including the rationale behind planning. It will develop the capability for effective participation in the all-hazard emergency operations planning process to save lives, protect property and the environment threatened by disaster. **This course is part of the FEMA Advanced Professional Series (APS)
Event Location/Address:
Delaware Co Sheriff's Office 1225 W Howard St
City and County:
Manchester  -  DELAWARE     (District 6)
Additional Information:
1) Lunch will be on your own, adequate time will be provided 2) Enter from main door, look for signs 3) This multi-day course is supported with Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding. You may request lodging reimbursement if you traveled an excess of 50 miles one-way and are an Iowa resident. Requests are based upon available funding. BEFORE making lodging reservations and PRIOR to start of class, email your lodging reimbursement request to HSEMDTraining@iowa.gov limited to available funding. All other travel will be on your own if the above doesn't apply or requested.
Course Dates:
3/5/2025   through   3/6/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
The Meter Guys Air Monitoring for First Responders
Course Description:
This course focuses on the First Responder and how to use a meter properly, understand the readings they see, and the implications of such on emergency responses. Students will participate in Lecture, Case Studies, and Hands-On meter training involving DOT transported chemicals. Upon completion of this course the First Responder will learn about calibration and bump testing importance, and peak readings, STEL, and fresh air calibration. The students will learn about each individual sensor in the 4-Gas Meter (LEL, O2, CO, H2S) so they better understand what their meter is telling them while on an emergency response on highway tanker accidents, as well as gas leaks, confined space, CO and other calls where first responder safety could be at risk. They will understand and physically experience the meter alarms during the course with meters that are brought with us for your First Responders to use.
Event Location/Address:
Linn County Emergency Management Room 125 6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW
City and County:
Cedar Rapids  -  LINN     (District 6)
Additional Information:
1) Come in the main entrance of the college and go around the roundabout. It's a brick building on north end of campus we sit behind the tennis courts. 2) Please park in the parking lot to the west of are building and use the southwest entrance of the building. 3) Travel and meals will be on your own-adequate time will be provided.
Course Dates:
3/8/2025   through   3/8/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  5:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Brad  Ransford      brad.ransford@linncountyiowa.gov      (319) 892-6503
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