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1 - 5 of 65 total
PER 331 Surface Transportation Emergency Preparedness and Security – Senior Officials (STEPS-SR)
Course Description:
This half-day course is an excellent way for those in a leadership or senior official role to learn how to prepare for a surface transportation emergency. Highway and rail, freight and passenger, we’ve got it all covered with presentations, group discussions, and tabletops.
Event Location/Address:
Floyd County Courthouse 101 S. Main St.
City and County:
Charles City  -  FLOYD     (District 2)
Additional Information:
1) Use the new main entrance located on the north side of the building that faces the Cedar River. 2) Training is inside main door then to the right. 3) The public parking lot between the building and the river may be utilized, along with street parking in authorized areas. 4) Meals and travel are on your own, adequate time will be provided Follow the link below to register. Facility questions; Jason Webster, 641-330-9900, jwebster@floydcoia.org
Course Dates:
2/10/2025   through   2/10/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  12:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Copy and paste link to complete registration: https://tinyurl.com/229f4wjz
Course Contact:
Bridgette  Paseka      bridgette_paseka@aar.com      719-584-0622
PER 326 Surface Transportation Emergency Preparedness and Security – Freight (STEPS-FR)
Course Description:
The movement of freight through our communities is a critical part of our way of life, but occasionally things don’t go through as smoothly as we would like. The two primary ways that freight is transported is by rail and highway, so we created a class that helps you prepare for incidents involving either! This course leans heavily on the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process so that the planning and emergency operations plans that you put in place are interoperable with those of your surrounding communities…and the Federal Plan
Event Location/Address:
Floyd County Courthouse 101 S. Main St.
City and County:
Charles City  -  FLOYD     (District 2)
Additional Information:
1) Use the new main entrance located on the north side of the building that faces the Cedar River. 2) Training is inside main door then to the right. 3) The public parking lot between the building and the river may be utilized, along with street parking in authorized areas. 4) Meals and travel are on your own, adequate time will be provided Follow the link below to register. Facility questions; Jason Webster, 641-330-9900, jwebster@floydcoia.org
Course Dates:
2/11/2025   through   2/12/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Copy and paste link to complete registration: https://tinyurl.com/47rx57ky
Course Contact:
Bridgette  Paseka      bridgette_paseka@aar.com      719-584-0622
MGT 461 Evacuation Planning Strategies and Solutions
Course Description:
Evacuations can be ordered at any time for many types of disasters. The larger the scal of the evacuation, the more complex it is to plan as well as to execute. Effective planning helps ensure that evacuations can be conducted swiftly, safetly, and in an orderly manner. This eight-hour management-level course is designed to provide emergency managers, first responders, transportation professionals, security and safety professionals, and government administrators with the ability to utilize current tools and technologies to institute best practices and strategies to plan for and execute an emergency evacuation. This course discusses the hazard conditions for which an emergency evacuation could be an appropriate protective action and inform participants on resources and methods to help them better prepare for an emergency evacuation. This course will allow participants to explore data, modeling tools, and simulations that assist with the implementation of an emergency evacuation.
Event Location/Address:
City and County:
 -  Other     (District 0)
Additional Information:
1) This is a virtual offering from NDPTC, follow the registration link below. 2) Two days--four hours each day
Course Dates:
2/11/2025   through   2/12/2025    -   (11:00 AM  to  3:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
National Disaster  Preparedness Training Center      ndptc-operations@lists.hawaii.edu      (808) 725-5236
Traffic Incident Management Systems (TIMS)
Course Description:
This 4-hour, multi-disciplinary training program is directed towards all emergency responders and those supporting Traffic Incident Management (TIM) operations. This training brings together police, firefighters, State and local departments of transportation, towing, medical personnel, and other incident responders, leading to a safer, faster, integrated responder team.
Event Location/Address:
Cherokee Co Training Center 322 Lake St
City and County:
Cherokee  -  CHEROKEE     (District 3)
Additional Information:
1) Enter from main entrance 2) Travel and meals on your own 3) Complete register upon arrival 4) Contact Instructor for availability Instructor 1: Kurt Miene, Stockton Towing, kurt.miene@stocktontowingiowa.com Instructor 2: Scott Kuester, Fire Service Training Bureau, qstir01@gmail.com Visit the TIMS training website for other training opportunities. https://iowadot.gov/tim
Course Dates:
2/12/2025   through   2/12/2025    -   (6:00 PM  to  10:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Self-register upon arrival to earn credit. Visit the TIMS training website for other training opportunities. https://iowadot.gov/tim
Course Contact:
Scott  Kuester      qstir01@gmail.com      (515) 408-5566
Traffic Incident Management Systems (TIMS)
Course Description:
This 4-hour, multi-disciplinary training program is directed towards all emergency responders and those supporting Traffic Incident Management (TIM) operations. This training brings together police, firefighters, State and local departments of transportation, towing, medical personnel, and other incident responders, leading to a safer, faster, integrated responder team.
Event Location/Address:
Holstein Fire Dept 106 S Kiel St
City and County:
Holstein  -  IDA     (District 3)
Additional Information:
1) Enter from main entrance 2) Travel and meals on your own 3) Complete register upon arrival 4) Contact Instructor for availability Instructor 1: Scott Kuester, Fire Service Training Bureau, qstir01@gmail.com Instructor 2: Neil Morenz, IA State Patrol, morenz@dps.state.ia.us Visit the TIMS training website for other training opportunities. https://iowadot.gov/tim
Course Dates:
2/13/2025   through   2/13/2025    -   (6:00 PM  to  10:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Self-register upon arrival to earn credit. Visit the TIMS training website for other training opportunities. https://iowadot.gov/tim
Course Contact:
Scott  Kuester      qstir01@gmail.com      (515) 408-5566
1 - 5 of 65 total