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1 - 5 of 21 total
AWR 219-C Site Protection through Observational Techniques
Course Description:
This course trains law enforcement, emergency responders and other public safety personnel to improve their observational techniques by using a four-step ongoing screening process that includes increasing protective awareness, identifying pre-operational behavior, evaluating and taking action.
Event Location/Address:
City and County:
 -  Other     (District 0)
Additional Information:
1) This is a virtual offering from LSU, follow the registration link below. 2) Two days--four hours each day Access code: NCBRT219 Course ID: 31463
Course Dates:
11/15/2024   through   11/15/2024    -   (10:00 AM  to  2:00 PM)
Registration Information:
https://train.ncbrt.lsu.edu/Student/Register?ClassID=31463 Access code: NCBRT219 Course ID: 31463
Course Contact:
Steven  Hughes      publicaffairs-ncbrt.lsu.edu@shared1.ccsend.com      269-466-6431
MGT 315 Critical Asset Risk Management
Course Description:
Do you fully understand the risk to your facility? Do you know what makes your facility susceptible to risk? Are you prepared to mitigate those risks? The Critical Asset Risk Management course helps participants answer those questions by teaching critical components of risk management. Through a combination of lecture, facilitated discussion, and group activities, participants will learn how threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences determine risk, and are given an opportunity to practice the fundamentals of conducting vulnerability assessments by conducting on-site assessments of select local facilities. Additionally they will identify potential mitigation measures associated with their findings and work together to develop and present a risk assessment report.
Event Location/Address:
Polk County Emergency Management 1907 Carpenter Ave
City and County:
Des Moines  -  POLK     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Students need to bring their own wi-fi capable device for viewing digital class materials. 2) This facility takes a whole block, with Polk County Public Health on the front (south side of bldg)—directly to the north of the Polk County Human Services (DHS) Building. * Park in the two east most rows or the southern most row. 4) All travel and meals are on your own, adequate time will be provided 5) Registration is required, follow the link below. Facility questions, Brett McIntyre, 515-286-2107, Brett.McIntyre@polkcountyiowa.gov.
Course Dates:
11/18/2024   through   11/19/2024    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Registration Information:
Register at: https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/?MO=mExtLogin
Course Contact:
Thomas  Gore      Thomas.Gore@teex.tamu.edu      410-972-1709
AWR 160 Standardized Awareness Training
Course Description:
This eight-hour course is delivered in your jurisdiction and focuses on training responders to meet the requirements established in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 472, Chapter 4, “Competencies for Awareness Level Personnel,” and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120 (q) (6) (i) (a–f) “First Responder Awareness Level” competencies. This course takes an all-hazards approach to Hazardous Materials (HazMat) incidents, including acts of terrorism where Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) materials may have been used. It provides participants the knowledge to recognize the hazardous material, protect themselves, notify others, and secure the scene.
Event Location/Address:
Dallas County Human Services Campus 25747 N Avenue
City and County:
Adel  -  DALLAS     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Park in the NORTH parking lot and use the main entrance. 2) There is a microwave and refrigerator available, a cash-only snack and soda machine, and a water bottle refill station on site. 3) All meals and travel are on your own Use link below to register.
Course Dates:
11/18/2024   through   11/18/2024    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Nicole  Jones      nicole@1a.prepareiowa.org      (515) 291-6597
PER 212 Operational Level Response to HazMat/WMD Incidents
Course Description:
This three-day course focuses on the unique response and personal protection challenges that responders face during a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/terrorist incident or a Hazardous Materials (HazMat) incident. The Operations-level training prepares emergency responders from all disciplines to recognize and identify hazardous material and to mitigate a HazMat incident by preventing further contamination of people, property, and the environment.
Event Location/Address:
Dallas County Human Services Campus 25747 N Avenue
City and County:
Adel  -  DALLAS     (District 1)
Additional Information:
If the student is taking PER-212 in order to qualify to take the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board) exam, AWR-160 must be taken in person. 1) Park in the NORTH parking lot and use the main entrance. 2) There is a microwave and refrigerator available, a cash-only snack and soda machine, and a water bottle refill station on site. 3) All meals and travel are on your own Use link below to register.
Course Dates:
11/19/2024   through   11/21/2024    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Nicole  Jones      nicole@1a.prepareiowa.org      (515) 291-6597
AWR 331 Winter Weather Hazards: Science and Preparedness
Course Description:
Winter storms can strike every state in the United States. It is important that every community be ready for the hazards associated with them. This course assists to provide emergency managers, first responders, and community members across all sectors with a basic understanding of the latest knowledge in winter weather science, forecasting, warning, and best practices in preparedness. The course enhances the ability of participants to identify and describe the hazards associated with winter weather and to better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of snow, sleet, freezing rain, and dangerously low temperatures. The goal of this course is to provide participants with the basics of winter weather science, forecasting, warning, and preparedness. Course Modules: Science of Winter Weather, Winter Weather Forecast Process, Winter Weather Warning Process and Safety, Winter Storm Scenario
Event Location/Address:
City and County:
lll  -  Other     (District 0)
Additional Information:
1) This is a virtual offering from NDPTC, follow the registration link below. 2) Two day--four hours each day
Course Dates:
11/19/2024   through   11/20/2024    -   (1:00 PM  to  5:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Stephen  Hughes      sthughes@hawaii.edu      (269) 466-6431
1 - 5 of 21 total