Frequently Asked Questions

What is a FEMA SID?

FEMA Student Identification (SID) number is a unique number generated and assigned to anyone who needs or is required to take training provided by a FEMA organization. Your FEMA SID uniquely identifies you throughout the FEMA organization and all of its agencies. The goal is for your FEMA SID to serve as your personal identification number instead of your Social Security Number (SSN) in support of FEMA’s effort to decrease/cease the use of SSN for identifying and tracking individuals. Visit the following link for more information:

Do I need a FEMA Student Identification Number (SID)?

To register for any type of FEMA training, you must have a SID. To obtain a SID, do the following:

  • Step 1: To register, go to
  • Step 2: Click on the "Register for a FEMA SID" box.
  • Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account.
  • Step 4: You will receive an email with your SID number. You should save this number in a secure location.

Forgot your FEMA SID? click here

Why do I need to go through the State Training Officer to conduct FEMA/DHS funded training in my jurisdiction?

To utilize and coordinate training resources in the most efficient manner, all FEMA/DHS funded training opportunities must be approved by the HSEMD Training Team.