Emergency Manager Training Requirements

Baseline Requirements

According to the Iowa Administrative Code 605-7.4(4), a local emergency management (EM) coordinator must complete continuing education requirements. Within two years of appointment, a local EM coordinator must complete the following “baseline” study courses:

Classroom Course:

Emergency Management Program Development (EMPD) course material available at http://www.iowaema.com/index.php/empd-course. To earn total credit, you must register and attend all four sessions.

Independent Study Courses

Courses available at: https://training.fema.gov/is/crslist.aspx

An Introduction to Hazardous Materials
Introduction to the Incident Command System
An Introduction to Exercises
Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
Fundamentals of Emergency Management
Emergency Planning
Leadership and Influence
Decision Making and Problem Solving
Effective Communication
Developing and Managing Volunteers
Introduction to Hazard Mitigation
Introduction to Individual Assistance
National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction
An Introduction National Response Framework, An Introduction
Community Preparedness: Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone
Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions

**Professional Development Series

Annual Continuing Education Requirements

Upon completion of the baseline requirements listed above, an EM coordinator must complete annually a minimum of 24 hours of state-approved emergency management training. Annual training occurs during the federal fiscal year from October 1 to September 30. Annual training will commence the following October 1, after completion of the baseline requirements (even if completion occurs before the allotted two years).

Beginning October 1, 2021 the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD) will transition to a revised 24 hour annual training requirement for emergency management coordinators in the State of Iowa, as identified in Iowa Administrative Code 605 7.4(4) section c.

The criteria for the 24 hours of annual training will be broken down into 12 hours of training specific to emergency management and 12 hours of training approved by each local emergency management commission that is identified as necessary for the fulfillment of their emergency management coordinator's duties.

The revised annual training requirement memo (PDF), will be updated annually for the next Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) that identify the upcoming Emergency Support Functions (ESF) training options.

FFY25 annual training requirement memo (PDF)

Training Updates

As of August 10, 2016, the following changes of Iowa Administrative Code § 605 ch 7 subrule 4(4) took effect; (1) a reduction in the time frame to complete baseline and professional development training from five years to two years and; (2) the removal of the listing of specific baseline and professional development courses from the subrule.

The following considerations apply to these changes (as of August 10, 2016 unless otherwise specified):

  • Individuals who have successfully completed the baseline and professional development courses will not be required to complete any updated replacement courses.
  • Individuals who are currently working to complete the requisite courses will need to adhere to the new course list. However, if a certificate of completion was accepted by HSEMD for a retired course, the individual will not need to take the updated replacement course.
  • Starting October 1, 2016, individuals who are currently working on baseline and professional development courses will have two years to complete the training.

Administrative Rule Change Memo

Training Certificates

EM coordinators will receive a certificate for satisfactory completion of courses. Certificates must be uploaded into SharePoint for review to receive credit. For questions about SharePoint or uploading certificates, please contact the HSEMD Training Team.