Available Courses

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26 - 30 of 48 total
AWR 310 Natural Disaster Awareness for Community Leaders
Course Description:
Community leaders have the opportunity to enhance their community’s ability to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against all forms of disasters. This course helps to enhance understanding of natural disasters, risk assessment in the context of disaster management, prevailing emergency management procedures and operations, and the different vulnerability factors that exist within the community.
Event Location/Address:
City and County:
 -  Other     (District 0)
Additional Information:
1) This is a virtual offering from NDPTC, follow the registration link below.
Course Dates:
7/10/2025   through   7/10/2025    -   (12:00 PM  to  4:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Stephen  Hughes      ndptc-operations@lists.hawaii.edu      269-466-6431
ICS 400 Advanced
Course Description:
This 2-day course provides training on and resources for personnel who has a responsibility to function in a command post managing and expanding incident. Topics include use of an Incident Complex and Area Command, and the interactions between Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) entities.
Event Location/Address:
Cherokee County Emergency Management 322 Lake St Ste. B
City and County:
Cherokee  -  CHEROKEE     (District 3)
Additional Information:
1) Park along the south and west side of the building. 2) Enter from main entrance 3) Meals are on you own, adequate time will be provided. 4) This multi-day course is supported with Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding. You may request lodging reimbursement if you traveled an excess of 50 miles one-way and are an Iowa resident. Requests are based upon available funding. BEFORE making lodging reservations and PRIOR to start of class, email your lodging reimbursement request to HSEMDTraining@iowa.gov limited to available funding. 5) All other travel will be on your own if the above doesn't apply or requested.
Course Dates:
7/15/2025   through   7/16/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
AWR 308 Natural Disaster Awareness for Caregivers of Sr Citizens
Course Description:
Senior Citizens are particularly vulnerable to natural hazards. This will enhance the awareness of vulnerability factors associated with senior citizens.
Event Location/Address:
City and County:
 -  Other     (District 0)
Additional Information:
1) This is a virtual offering from NDPTC, follow the registration link below.
Course Dates:
7/23/2025   through   7/23/2025    -   (12:00 PM  to  4:00 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Stephen  Hughes      ndptc-operations@lists.hawaii.edu      269-466-6431
EMPD-Emergency Mgmt Program Development Session #3
Course Description:
The Emergency Management Program Development course provides a comprehensive overview of the statutory requirements and professional duties of today’s emergency manager. Developed and delivered by practitioners in four separate 6 hour sessions, the course is an opportunity for peer to peer learning through lecture as well as task-oriented coaching. Technical and soft skill development in the areas of administration, planning, resource management, training, and exercises are included. Topics covered: Local Governance, Hazard Analysis, Planning and Professional Development
Event Location/Address:
Polk County Emergency Management 1907 Carpenter Ave
City and County:
Des Moines  -  POLK     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) This facility takes a whole block, with Polk County Public Health on the front (south side of bldg)—directly to the north of the Polk County Human Services (DHS) Building. 2) Park in the two east most rows or the southern most row. 3) Lunch will be at the Polk Co EOC. Please either bring your lunch or be prepared to do individual Jimmy Johns online orders using credit card payments. 4) Please download the session materials from the IEMA website prior to the class. https://www.iowaema.us/empd-documents
Course Dates:
7/31/2025   through   7/31/2025    -   (9:00 AM  to  3:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
CHEC- Certified Healthcare Emergency Coordinator
Course Description:
While focused on healthcare, this course offers applied emergency management concepts aimed at improving health outcomes. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to make critical decisions needed to reduce the potential threats to life and property using an “all hazards” approach to disaster management. BASIC: Basic is a two-day classroom-based course. This course provides students with an introduction to emergency management principles, key components and regulations of emergency preparedness and response programs. CHEC Basic is a pre-requisite to the CHEC Advanced ADVANCED: Advanced is a one-day intensive course on plans and exercises.
Event Location/Address:
Mary Greeley Medical Center 1111 Duff Avenue Bessie Meyers Auditorium
City and County:
Ames  -  STORY     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Parking is ample and free. Park in the parking garage for easy access to the hospital. 2) Enter through the main entrance and follow signs to Bessie Meyers Auditorium. 3) Meal and travel is on your own and our cafeteria will be open for lunch. Students have an option to register for either courses, however you must have taken the BASIC prior to attending the ADVANCED Additional information about this certificate program: https://www.ndlsf.org/chec
Course Dates:
8/5/2025   through   8/7/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Registration Information:
Course Contact:
Kody  Olson      olsonda@mgmc.com      (515) 460-4318
26 - 30 of 48 total