Available Courses

Viewing District: 4

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L 0969 Communications Unit Leader (COM-L)
Course Description:
This course helps participants establish the essential core competencies required for performing the duties of the Communications Unit Leader (COML) in an all-hazards incident. This course addresses all responsibilities appropriate to a COML operating in a local-or state-level All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT). These responsibilities include the collection, processing, and dissemination as needed to facilitate Operations of Command, General Staff, and Unit Leaders within the confines of a Type 3 AHIMT.
Event Location/Address:
Pottawattamie County Emergency Management 205 S Main Street
City and County:
Council Bluffs  -  POTTAWATTAMIE     (District 4)
Additional Information:
1) Parking is available at the EMA locations. 2) Travel and lunch will be on your own daily adequate time will be provided. You may bring your lunch-microwave and refrigerator on site. 3) Course materials will be sent to registrants via email prior to class Come prepared to access those materials online away from work email access.
Course Dates:
4/1/2025   through   4/4/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  5:00 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
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