Available Courses

Viewing District: 1

1 - 5 of 7 total
G 557 Rapid Needs Assessment
Course Description:
This course provides the ability of local governments to perform a Rapid Needs Assessment accurately and within the first few hours after an incident or emergency is critical in providing a response designed to save lives. **This course is part of the FEMA Advanced Professional Series (APS)
Event Location/Address:
Grinnell Public Safety Building 1020 Spring St
City and County:
Grinnell  -  POWESHIEK     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Parking lot is on the south side of the building off 5th Ave. Additional parking along Spring St. 2) Enter from the west side main entrance along Spring St. 3) Travel and lunch is on your own.
Course Dates:
3/4/2025   through   3/4/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
EMPD-Emergency Mgmt Program Development Session #2
Course Description:
The Emergency Management Program Development course provides a comprehensive overview of the statutory requirements and professional duties of today’s emergency manager. Developed and delivered by practitioners in four separate 6 hour sessions, the course is an opportunity for peer to peer learning through lecture as well as task-oriented coaching. Technical and soft skill development in the areas of administration, planning, resource management, training, and exercises are included. Topics covered: Federal Governance, Resource Management, Direction and Control, Damage Assessment, Operations and Procedures and Professional Development
Event Location/Address:
Polk County Emergency Management 1907 Carpenter Ave
City and County:
Des Moines  -  POLK     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) This facility takes a whole block, with Polk County Public Health on the front (south side of bldg)—directly to the north of the Polk County Human Services (DHS) Building. 2) Park in the two east most rows or the southern most row. 3) Lunch will be at the Polk Co EOC. Please either bring your lunch or be prepared to do individual Jimmy Johns online orders using credit card payments. 4) Please download the session materials from the IEMA website prior to the class. https://www.iowaema.us/empd-documents
Course Dates:
4/3/2025   through   4/3/2025    -   (9:00 AM  to  3:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
L 0102 Science of Disaster
Course Description:
This course in the National Emergency Management Basic Academy is designed to provide the participants with an overview of scientific principles and concepts that shape our increasingly dangerous world. The contents of the course includes: •Introduction to Science of Disaster provides a definition and benefits of science •Earth Science & National Hazards describes how the Earth’s design sets the stage for the world’s natural hazards •Science of Natural Hazards describes the scientific basis of common natural hazards •Prediction gives us the capability to expect the unexpected •Physical Science and Implications for Emergency Management identifies how emergency management can benefit from knowledge of the physical science of hazards •Biological & Chemical Threats identifies the scientific basis of biological and chemical threats. •Explosive Threats identifies the scientific basis of those threats •Radiological & Nuclear Threats identifies the scientific basis of those threats
Event Location/Address:
Hardin County Emergency Management 1031 Edgington Ave
City and County:
Eldora  -  HARDIN     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Parking is available on the street in all directions. NO PARKING IN EMPTY LOT NORTH OF BUILDING. 2) Lodging in Grundy Center or Iowa Falls is closest. Both are a 20 minute commute. 3) Meals are on you own, adequate time will be provided. 4) This multi-day course is supported with Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding. You may request lodging reimbursement if you traveled an excess of 50 miles one-way and are an Iowa resident. Requests are based upon available funding. BEFORE making lodging reservations and PRIOR to start of class, email your lodging reimbursement request to HSEMDTraining@iowa.gov limited to available funding. 5) All other travel will be on your own if the above doesn't apply or requested.
Course Dates:
4/8/2025   through   4/10/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
Course Description:
This awareness-level course will explore cybersecurity and cyber hygiene, and demonstrate how cyber attacks can impact, prevent, and/or stop business operations and emergency responses. Participants are introduced to common cybersecurity terminology, fundamental cyber threats and vulnerabilities that can impact individuals and organizations, and best practices and cyber hygiene techniques for securing personal and organizational data, software, and hardware.
Event Location/Address:
Hardin County Emergency Management 1031 Edgington Ave
City and County:
Eldora  -  HARDIN     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) Parking is available on the street in all directions. NO PARKING IN EMPTY LOT NORTH OF BUILDING. 2) Lodging in Grundy Center or Iowa Falls is closest. Both are a 20 minute commute. 3) Travel and meals are on you own, adequate time will be provided. Follow the registration link below. Facility questions, Thomas Craighton, (641) 512-8717, tcraighton@hardincountyia.gov
Course Dates:
5/20/2025   through   5/20/2025    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)
Registration Information:
Registration Link: https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/Default.aspx?MO=mCourseCatalog&D=EC&C=AWR136&S=748
Course Contact:
Brenda  Grays      Brenda.Grays@teex.tamu.edu      979-320-6154
EMPD-Emergency Mgmt Program Development Session #3
Course Description:
The Emergency Management Program Development course provides a comprehensive overview of the statutory requirements and professional duties of today’s emergency manager. Developed and delivered by practitioners in four separate 6 hour sessions, the course is an opportunity for peer to peer learning through lecture as well as task-oriented coaching. Technical and soft skill development in the areas of administration, planning, resource management, training, and exercises are included. Topics covered: Local Governance, Hazard Analysis, Planning and Professional Development
Event Location/Address:
Polk County Emergency Management 1907 Carpenter Ave
City and County:
Des Moines  -  POLK     (District 1)
Additional Information:
1) This facility takes a whole block, with Polk County Public Health on the front (south side of bldg)—directly to the north of the Polk County Human Services (DHS) Building. 2) Park in the two east most rows or the southern most row. 3) Lunch will be at the Polk Co EOC. Please either bring your lunch or be prepared to do individual Jimmy Johns online orders using credit card payments. 4) Please download the session materials from the IEMA website prior to the class. https://www.iowaema.us/empd-documents
Course Dates:
7/31/2025   through   7/31/2025    -   (9:00 AM  to  3:30 PM)
Course Contact:
HSEMD Training Staff    -    visit our contact information page
1 - 5 of 7 total